Often we hear the phrase "mother earth" and think about all the ways the earth helps us survive. Yet we must care for the earth the way it cares for us, and women are increasingly filling that role, whether it be on their residence property, through business practices, or through agricultural practices. Women not only are taking a greater role in farming operations, but they play a critical role protecting the land that sustains us. Did you know that 43% of U.S agricultural land is now farmed or co-farmed by women?! Unfortunately, women face gender-related barriers to managing their land for long-term sustainability. And while women are increasingly playing primary decision-making roles on farms and many are inclined towards conservation, they remain underrepresented in their utilization of USDA and state-based conservation programs. The goal of this program is to connect with other women landowners and resource professionals as we learn about the fundamentals of land conservation. Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District will be offering programming geared towards women and land conservation topics in 2021 and beyond. Are you one of these women? Do you help manage land and need help understanding where to find resources? Please help us identify topics that will help you by taking this short survey!
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Warren County SWCD Staff BlogA blog to keep you informed on all the latest news at Warren County SWCD and in the conservation world. Archives
August 2024