The 2024 H2Ohio Program is offering cost share for Voluntary Nutrient Management (VNMP) or Comprehensive Nutrient Management (CNMP) Development in 2024 and Implementation for crop years 2025 and 2026.
Enrollment: April 22 - May 31 Sign Up: 1. Contact Warren County SWCD to schedule an in-person meeting. During this meeting we can create an *Ohio Pays ID (if needed) and an *OACI account. 2. Please be prepared to know: - Status of soil tests (must be 2021-present). - Not receiving payments for nutrient management under any county, state, or federal program for the acres you want to enroll. Cropland in EQIP or CSP in any NRCS 590 are not eligible. - Must follow 2020 Tri State Fertilizer Recommendations. - Have field boundaries (shapefiles) or know the field locations of the acres you want to enroll. - Have a valid email address. *These items are required in order to receive any H2Ohio payment. |
1. Emilie Fisher - (513) 695-2556 - [email protected]
2. Tanner Shinkle - (513) 695-1807 - [email protected]
Initial Focus:
Acres utilized for row crop production and in a crop rotation. Warren County is limited to nutrient plan development on cropland in 2024, but having a nutrient plan in place is required for any future H2Ohio opportunities. As of 4/12/2024 - Acres that are in hay that is in a rotation with other crops are eligible, but hay that is long term without a crop rotation is ineligible.
1. To increase producer collection and use of soil test results to develop nutrient recommendations.
2. Properly utilize commercial fertilizer, manure and/or organic by-products as a plant nutrient source or soil amendment.
3. Reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface water and groundwater resources.
1. Participants are not eligible to utilize additional incentives for nutrient management (EQIP, H2Ohio, MWCD, etc.).
2. Cropland enrolled in CSP and receiving payment for NRCS Practices 590 are not eligible.
3. Must have updated soil tests (2021-present).
4. Planned crops and rotations, yield goals, planned fertilizer applications.
This program is limited. Applicants will be served on a first come, first serve basis.
Participant Payment:
1. VNMP/CNMP Development: $5/acre per plan year - will receive one payment at $10/acre.
2. VNMP/CNMP Implementation: $10/ac upon approval of Basic VNMP/CNMP OR $15/ac upon approval of Precision VNMP/CNMP.
Warren County Goals:
1. Producers are limited to 500 acres per contract.
2. Sign up of 5,000 total acres in the county.
1. Producers are limited to 500 acres per contract.
2. Sign up of 5,000 total acres in the county.
H2Ohio Documents: