why native?A healthy and diverse ecosystem is important for clean air and water, soil stability, and critical food and shelter for wildlife. Whether adding a few native plants to your landscape or substituting them in for exotic species, there are many benefits to going native, including:
Each year, April is Native Plant Month! Learn more about native plant month in Ohio at https://www.ohionativeplantmonth.org/
ADDITIONAL resources
Ohio Department of Natural Resource's list of native plants with helpful fact sheets.
GO NATIVE FOR POLLINATORSView regional guides about planting for pollinators provided by the Pollinator Partnership™ (www.pollinator.org), in support of the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC–www.nappc.org).
PLANT NATIVEThis is a "starter" list of native plants for Ohio and Indiana. It is intended for residential or commercial landscapers who want to create attractive and varied native landscapes.
BACKYARDS FOR BUTTERFLIESFind out what plants attract and support the more than 140 species of butterfly that have been recorded in Ohio. Learn gardening tips and seasonal growing recommendations.