Water conservation Trailer
After assessing all of our water education outreach options, Warren Co SWCD has decided to sell the water education trailer. The District created this trailer as a hands on, mobile water conservation educational exhibit in honor of past board member Tom Spellmire. We utilized this trailer successfully for almost 10 years in schools and events, traveling near and far and serving thousands of residents. We have decided to move on from this particular trailer because there are some design challenges that we no longer are putting resources into addressing. The unit is not climate controlled and is very hot for participants in the hot summer months. The technology inside struggles to survive the temperatures and travel - over heating when used in the summer and breaking during bumpy rides. Awning needs repaired. We have had to replace various components more often then we are willing to keep up with going forward. If any district would like to modify the components of the trailer or use it in different ways, most of the components will still have some life to give. You can see pictures of this exhibit below and lots of information that will answer many questions you might have. One requirement of purchase is that it is re-wrapped on the exterior to cover the name of the exhibit and the sponsors. Included in the purchase is a generator that will power the trailer if power is unavailable, 1 projector, and a 75 inch large screen TV embedded in one of the exhibits. Trailer also has interior lighting, finished floors and walls, and ADA accessible ramp.
Exhibits that are still operational:
Stream Ecosystem Interactive Touch Screen-Touch screen interactive about point and non-point source pollution
From Stream to Spigot, It's All Connected- 4 of the 5 interactive buttons still working
Exploring Watershed Geography - Kinetic sand is included. Will require a laptop with AR software installed, a projector, and Xbox Kinect to create a new AR Sandbox if desired. This system does not operate consistently in hot temperatures on trailer currently*
All placard signs included (except for Tom Spellmire memorial placard)
Warren SWCD is selling this trailer for $10,000 (non-negotiable).
Exhibits that are still operational:
Stream Ecosystem Interactive Touch Screen-Touch screen interactive about point and non-point source pollution
From Stream to Spigot, It's All Connected- 4 of the 5 interactive buttons still working
Exploring Watershed Geography - Kinetic sand is included. Will require a laptop with AR software installed, a projector, and Xbox Kinect to create a new AR Sandbox if desired. This system does not operate consistently in hot temperatures on trailer currently*
All placard signs included (except for Tom Spellmire memorial placard)
Warren SWCD is selling this trailer for $10,000 (non-negotiable).
Peek inside our water trailer!
Trailer HistoryWarren County SWCD has an incredible story of one man's vision for conservation education becoming a reality after his passing. The story is one of a second-generation farmer and long time board member, Thomas C. Spellmire. Tom was a driving force behind water quality education programs for young people; he envisioned an exhibit on wheels that would serve as an outreach to our local schools. After Tom's passing into 2013, the district partnered with the renowned Cincinnati Museum Center design team to build a mobile water conservation education exhibit.
“Water is the key to life and a resource that we must protect to ensure the vitality of so many species, including our own,” says Elizabeth Pierce, interim CEO at Cincinnati Museum Center. The Water Education Trailer features a mobile augmented reality sandbox that allows users to create landforms in a "sandbox meets technology" environment. The trailer also includes a touchscreen stream ecosystem with healthy and polluted scenarios. There are placards explaining groundwater and hydrology along with macroinvertebrates as they relate to water quality. Another animated display dives into river and watershed facts on a local level.
Target CurriculumWater is essential to life. Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District aims to educate people, including students and adults, about how critical water is to our lives and the world around us. Interactive zones within the trailer address three essential principles of water: Water shapes our land, Water is life, and Water needs to be protected.
Facets of the Water Education Trailer exhibits foster learning standards at many levels, including the following:
Trailer Features
logisticsThe Water Conservation Education Exhibit is a custom 24-foot trailer with an 8-foot ceiling. It features a rear door that folds down to create a ramped entrance that is wheel chair accessible and suitable for visitors who may need mobility assistance. The trailer needs a flat, hard surfaced space that is approximately 40 feet and a clear area of 75 feet for maneuverability and parking. An area of 25ft by 75ft must be marked off with cones or other markers to designate the trailer location before the trailer is transported.
Electricity is needed for trailer operation. An electrical outlet is preferred. The back-up generator cannot be used in rain or inclement weather. The trailer itself may not be feasible to utilize in inclement weather or when Fahrenheit temperatures fall below freezing or exceed 80 degrees F, thus at the discretion of Warren County SWCD. Specific trailer dimensions:
Specific portable sand unit dimensions:
FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions
Staff Contact: Melissa Proffitt
Warren County SWCD Education & Communications Specialist [email protected] or 513-695-3086. Questions? E-mail or call !