Ever wanted to explore your local stream, but didn’t know exactly where and how? This summer Warren County SWCD are hosting stream encounters where residents can enjoy their local streams through guided educational opportunities and cleanups. While participating in beautification efforts, you will also learn about how we monitor for stream health. To register, go to: https://www.warrenswcd.com/stream-encounters.html Check out these Warren County Events: Harmon Park Stream Encounter - Tue, July 10, 10am – 12pm Location: Harmon Park, 300 S East St, Lebanon, OH 45036, USA (map) St. Susanna Stream Encounter - Wed, August 1, 10am – 12pm Location: St. Susanna Catholic Church, 616 Reading Rd, Mason, OH 45040 (map) Summer is the ideal time to connect with nature or #EscapetheIndoors. During this Great Outdoors Month explore different activities that you can enjoy outdoors. Enjoy planing a fishing, boating, camping, hiking or even biking adventure! https://www.greatoutdoorsmonth.org/ Event Planning: www.greatoutdoorsmonth.org/activites-and-events Volunteer Stewardship Opportunities: https://www.warrenswcd.com/volunteer-opportunities.html www.greatoutdoorsmonth.org/stewardship Earth Team Volunteer: www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/people/volunteers/ National Trails Day As of June 2, kids and families can download the new Junior Ranger "Let's Go Fishing!" Activity Booklet or pick up printed copies at a growing number of parksover the summer. Follow #GoFishingInParks. Warren County Ohio Park District: www.co.warren.oh.us/parks/ 2018 Caesar Creek Events: parks.ohiodnr.gov/portals/parks/PDFs/things_to_do/naturalists/CaesarCreek2018.pdf Above Photos taken at Caesar Creek Nature Center featuring our wonderful host - Sarah Blair/ODNR, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists, Franklin High School Environmental Classes, Franklin HS Environmental/Biology Teacher Mr. Keith Vinson - 2017 Warren County SWCD Educator or the Year, www.caesarcreekstatepark.com/nature-center.html OHIO'S SCENIC RIVERS Celebrates 50 Years of Conserving Rivers, lakes and oceans - our blue spaces benefit both our physical and mental well-being. We rely on rivers for clean drinking water and as places of recreation and rejuvenation. Even the sound of moving water has a calming and restoring effect on the mind. Whether you are looking for a peaceful picnic or rest spot by a babbling brook, a scenic river-front hike or a place to paddle, you can find activities along Wild and Scenic Rivers that contribute to your good health. Wild Scenic Rivers Health & Safety: www.rivers.gov/wsr50/files/health-safety-infographic.pdf Roughly 65% of our nation’s drinking water comes from rivers and streams. Toxins that contaminate water can harm the human body, meaning that "good health starts with good water chemistry". ![]()
Many plants and some animals, such as freshwater mussels, can filter water by removing harmful chemical compounds. Since humans need assistance making sure the water we ingest is clean, protect your own health by understanding the ecosystems responsible for your clean water and helping your local watershed group clean up litter - thus removing water pollutants. Warren County SWCD Educational Services and Programs: https://www.warrenswcd.com/education.html
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