The Summer Solstice is also known as the June Solstice. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year in terms of the most sunlight in one day. The timing of the summer solstice depends on when the sun reaches its northernmost point of the equator. In 2016, summer begins with the solstice on June 20 at 6:34 a.m. EDT.
Ohio is home to thousands of environmental professionals working every day to make the world a better place. The Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) is a free service which the Ohio State University School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) provides. The network is truly a community-driven effort. The Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO) Philosophy: Environmental Education (EE) is education in, about, and for the environment. Education in the environment helps people develop sensitivity to their surroundings and the natural world. Education about the environment promotes understanding of the natural, physical, and social systems that make up our environment. Education for the environment motivates people to work to improve the environment. The Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO) provides leadership and resources for environmental education throughout the state of Ohio. EECO serves all Ohio citizens. To learn more, click on the EECO Website link below: Connect on Facebook:
Thankfully, organizations and many individuals work wisely to protect and preserve our streams. The Little Miami River is one of America's National Wild and Scenic Rivers. "The Little Miami River Kleeners' and Little Miami Watershed Network's purpose is to enhance the quality of life along the Little Miami River by promoting the protection of, stimulating the public interest in, and encouraging the preservation of the Little Miami River." Saving a National Treasure: The Little Miami Conservancy was founded in 1967 as Little Miami, Inc. The Little Miami River has been embraced by citizens and local leaders as a valuable natural resource for quiet outdoor recreation, wildlife, drinking water, scenic beauty and much more! On April 23, 1969, the Little Miami River earned the distinction of becoming Ohio's first designated State Scenic River. Little Miami State and National Scenic River: Rivers and streams in the Ohio Scenic Rivers program are monitored regularly to ensure that the water habitat quality remains high. The Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) program is coordinated by regional employees, but most of the monitoring is done by volunteers. Volunteers are needed! Become a SQM Volunteer Monitor: Warren SWCD participates in the ODNR Stream Quality Program. Our testing site is at river mile 44 on the Little Miami River. If you would like to learn more about Stream Water Quality Monitoring or volunteer with Warren SWCD doing Stream Water Quality Monitoring, please e-mail our staff coordinator, Molly Conley, or click on the black box below for additional information: [email protected]
6/2/2016 How Clean are our Streams... Mason students visit muddy creek to discover first handRead Now Thank you Mrs. Quill for planning a stream field trip and collaborating with WCSWCD to test the waters at Muddy Creek in Mason, Ohio! The students found Benthic Macroinvertebrates in all three Taxa's. |