Welcome to Development Digest - a place where Warren Co SWCD shares information, updates, and trainings for professionals in stormwater management, land development, and stream protection.
Winter is quickly approaching in Warren County, and the snowfall that occurs during winter months can result in excessive amounts of soil erosion and transport of sediment into our local waterways. For your construction site to be compliant with Ohio EPA Construction General Permit regulations, workers should begin applying temporary stabilization measures for areas that will be left idle over winter months. For a disturbed site, stabilization techniques are required if areas are to remain dormant for more than 14 days. Preparing the disturbed area for winter conditions by providing cover over bare soil and ensuring proper function of controls will result in minimal environmental impact. For all disturbed sites it is essential to install perimeter and inlet protection so that snowmelt leaving the site passes through a filter prior to discharging into the drainage network. Additionally, it is necessary to install rock check dams and construction entrances prior to the onset of weather to avoid loss of sediment downslope. Other stabilization measure providing cover over a large portion of the site include seeding, mulching, and sodding. The goal is to apply these vegetative treatments by November, but sometimes this is not always practical with varying schedules. To learn more about coverage options, specifications, and seeding schedules, browse through Chapter 7 of the Ohio Rainwater and Land Development Manual. Warren Co SWCD’s expert Urban Team is also available to help – call us at 513-695-2901.
9/21/2022 08:20:18 am
With the benefits of a focus on safety being quite obvious, it is time to take a closer look at your construction site to see if you are doing all you can to protect your company. To build a culture of safety, make safety requirements a condition of employment. Host regular training to ensure everyone understands your safety recommendations, and reward workers who regularly make safety a priority.
It is really hard to choose the best design and options for the land without the help of a good construction company. Thanks for sharing these interesting topics about construction.
7/24/2023 02:59:08 pm
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4/12/2024 06:46:41 pm
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Urban team BLOGEvery month, the Warren Co SWCD Urban Team dives deep into the world of land development as it relates to stormwater pollution prevention. The blog covers topics like erosion & sediment control best management practices (BMPs), state and local regulations, retention/detention basins, and the conservation of our natural resources. Stay up to date with Development Digest by signing up for WCSWCD Urban eNews!
January 2025