7/3/2024 BMP Maintenance – It Never Stops! A Shout-Out to EGTS Lebanon Compressor Station for a Job Well-DoneRead NowIn an episode of Seinfeld, Newman is quoted as saying “The mail, it never stops Jerry!” The same can be said for maintenance of sediment & erosion control measures (SECMs) on construction sites; it is a never-ending battle, and it never stops! Your project should have a stormwater team established to ensure that all SECMs are inspected once every 7 calendar days and after every > 0.5-inch rain event per 24-hour period by the end of the next calendar day (per Ohio EPA Construction General Permit requirements). The stormwater and resulting sediment-laden runoff, never stop. So that’s why it’s important that we remain vigilant and maintain the SECMs until the site is stabilized with grass. Warren County SWCD conducts monthly site inspections to help your crew identify failing or missing BMPs to help you stay compliant with the Construction General Permit. When we encounter a project that has done a great job on installation and maintenance of the SECMs, we like to highlight it in our Development Digest for a job well done. This month, we call attention to the Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. (EGTS) Lebanon Compressor Station HP project in Clearcreek Township. EGTS boasts a robust environmental compliance division as well as an on-site stormwater team that has been great to work with. The stormwater team has followed the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to make sure the SECMs are properly installed and maintained. Not only does the site exemplify superb examples of proper SECM installation, maintenance, and an inspection routine, but they also place an emphasis on employee safety. The focus on safety really demonstrates how it’s not just about protecting the environment, but also the people that work together to achieve a common goal. The site is not without its challenges however, with a wetland conveniently nestled between construction areas. The stormwater team has highlighted the importance of protecting the wetland to prevent sediment from filling it in. Most of Ohio’s wetlands have been lost since the days when Ohio was a frontier state. EGTS understands the importance of protecting the ones we still have left. But don’t take my word for it! Hear it from the pros at EGTS: "Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. (EGTS) believes responsible environmental management is good business and good for the community, benefiting both customers and its neighbors. EGTS lives by an environmental respect policy using principles that guide its corporate commitment to the environment from the beginning to the end of each day. In closing, we at Warren County SWCD understand that development does not come without risks to the environment, that’s why it’s important that development happens in an environmentally conscious way. So, well done EGTS. May all other construction sites follow your lead!
Questions about BMPs? Call Warren Co SWCD offices at (513) 695-1337
Urban team BLOGEvery month, the Warren Co SWCD Urban Team dives deep into the world of land development as it relates to stormwater pollution prevention. The blog covers topics like erosion & sediment control best management practices (BMPs), state and local regulations, retention/detention basins, and the conservation of our natural resources. Stay up to date with Development Digest by signing up for WCSWCD Urban eNews!
November 2024