As it can sometimes be difficult to translate technical regulations into feasible solutions in the “real world” on-site, we decided to spotlight some practices with examples we've found while conducting our inspections. This month we noticed some great Best Management Practices in Hamilton Township on the Valley View Subdivision site. Everyone that enters the site is greeted by a large-format blue sign at the main construction entrance outlining site safety and erosion control rules, so it's easy for everyone to reference at a moment's notice. There is also a great example of a SWPPP storage box containing the SWPPP and keeping it accessible while safe from the elements. Aaron Smith with DR Horton provided some insight into how the stormwater team approaches stormwater runoff on the construction site: “D.R. Horton is strongly committed to protecting the environment in every community in which we construct and sell homes. Each employee has an obligation to act, and to ensure that our subcontractors act, in an environmentally responsible manner. The Valley View subdivision has been a prime example of the effectiveness of this strategy which cannot be successfully implemented without the division stormwater compliance representative, site stormwater compliance representatives, and our trade partners and vendors working together to achieve compliance with environmental rules and regulations. We at D.R. Horton greatly appreciate the recognition of our stormwater program and it cannot work without our on-site superintendents, area managers, and land development project managers who help to manage daily stormwater compliance on our sites. At D.R. Horton stormwater is a team effort starting at the Corporate level trickling down to our specific Divisions, and everyone working together towards this goal helps to develop an effective program.”
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Urban team BLOGEvery month, the Warren Co SWCD Urban Team dives deep into the world of land development as it relates to stormwater pollution prevention. The blog covers topics like erosion & sediment control best management practices (BMPs), state and local regulations, retention/detention basins, and the conservation of our natural resources. Stay up to date with Development Digest by signing up for WCSWCD Urban eNews!
January 2025