Each summer in partnership with the Warren County Engineer's Office, Warren Co SWCD runs a basin inspection program to help homeowners and property managers maintain stormwater basins throughout the county. As you may already know, basins are designed in accordance with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and local stormwater requirements. It is important to keep stormwater basins functioning because they collect and detain stormwater; help to settle out and hold sediment; protect local creeks, streams, and lakes; and help to reduce the potential for flooding. This week we are excited to welcome four interns who will spend their summer learning about the work Warren Co SWCD does to maintain soil health and water quality in our county while supporting the basin inspection program. You may see them out and about in the county in their vibrantly colored safety shirts! At the end of the summer, all of their stormwater basin inspections will be available online through our new stormwater basin inspection map found in the property owner assistance portion of our website. Meet the inspectorsSeth B.
"My name is Seth and I am studying environmental science at the University of Toledo. I think this internship at Warren Co SWCD will give me valuable experience in the field of conservation and natural resource management that I can take with me in my future career. I look forward to working on the projects this summer and learning about the conservation work that a county soil and water district does on a daily basis." Sam K. "Hello! My name is Sam and I am a third year student at UC studying Environmental Science. This is my first internship opportunity and I’m looking forward to furthering my career and having fun while doing it!" Morgan S. “Hello my name is Morgan and I am currently studying Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Agriculture at Cincinnati State. I chose this internship at the Warren Co SWCD because I am very passionate about protecting the environment and the work that is being done here. I also enjoy doing hands on work and being outside. I can see myself doing this type of work once I have graduated my program. I am excited for a summer of learning new things and applying what I have already learned in school.” Harrison T. "I am going to Ohio University in the fall for Wildlife and Conservation Biology under the Ohio Honors Program. I feel that this job will help me gain good experience in the conservation realm as well as get an insight into how government jobs operate as I plan on working for the ODNR or FWS after graduation." Do you have questions about stormwater basin inspections or our internship program? Give our offices a call at (513) 695-1337!
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Urban team BLOGEvery month, the Warren Co SWCD Urban Team dives deep into the world of land development as it relates to stormwater pollution prevention. The blog covers topics like erosion & sediment control best management practices (BMPs), state and local regulations, retention/detention basins, and the conservation of our natural resources. Stay up to date with Development Digest by signing up for WCSWCD Urban eNews!
January 2025