Warren Co SWCD works in partnership with City of Lebanon to assist with the City of Lebanon MS4 Permit compliance. The City of Lebanon contracts with Warren SWCD for multiple MS4 permit requirements, but this page pertains to Minimum Control Measure 4. Construction Site Runoff Control.
If your project is in the City of Lebanon, you will be required to obtain an Earth Disturbing Permit (EDP) before any clearing, grubbing or earth disturbance of any kind begins.
If your project is in the City of Lebanon, you will be required to obtain an Earth Disturbing Permit (EDP) before any clearing, grubbing or earth disturbance of any kind begins.
EDP Process for City of Lebanon MS4:
Note: Electronic submittals of all materials are required.
- Submit a full set of construction plans, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Operation and Maintenance documents and an environmental assessment if applicable to the City of Lebanon and apply for a Grading Permit through the Lebanon Viewpoint Portal. All document should comply with City of Lebanon Regulations.
- Submit EDP Application to Warren Co SWCD, which includes uploading a full set of construction plans, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Operation and Maintenance documents and an environmental assessment if applicable. No EDP Application fee in City of Lebanon.
- Submit EPA NOI permit verification to Warren Co SWCD.
- Work with Warren Co SWCD and City of Lebanon Engineer on approval of all items.
- Obtain approvals and EDP.
- Begin clearing, grubbing and other earth disturbing activities.
- When post construction stormwater control measures (SCMs) are complete, submit the Warren Co Post Construction Stormwater Control Measure Approval form.
- Pass Operation and Maintenance documents to post-construction operator of site.
Note: Electronic submittals of all materials are required.
Regulations & Guidance:
City of Lebanon Stormwater Regulations and Erosion & Sediment Control Regulations exist in the Zoning Ordinance
The City of Lebanon Code of Ordinances is put in place to uphold the Ohio EPA NPDES Construction General Permit. All requirements of the CGP apply in addition to the City of Lebanon Code of Ordinances.
Please follow this manual for all technical guidance and specifications for sediment and erosion control measures.
This spreadsheet, programmed in excel, allows engineers to enter design data and receive output information important to SWPPP review. Filling out and submitting this spreadsheet to Warren Co SWCD with SWPPP documents will speed up review and ensure compliance with requirements of the CGP.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3):
The SWP3 contents are described in Part III of the NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). Although the SWP3 does not need to be submitted to Ohio EPA to obtain coverage under the CGP through the NOI application, it must be retained at the construction site at all times during the construction activity. However, Warren SWCD does require submittal and approval of the SWP3 as part of the EDP requirements.
An SWP3 must address all minimum components of the CGP and conform to the specifications of Ohio Department of Natural Resources' Rainwater and Land Development Manual. This manual describes Ohio’s standards for storm water management, land development, and urban stream protection.
An SWP3 must address all minimum components of the CGP and conform to the specifications of Ohio Department of Natural Resources' Rainwater and Land Development Manual. This manual describes Ohio’s standards for storm water management, land development, and urban stream protection.
The NOI process is now completely online through the EPA website utilizing a program called STREAMS. Follow the link below to apply for and NOI.
Operation and Maintenance Document Guidance:
Operation and Maintenance documents typically entail the O&M Agreement and the O&M Plan. In Ohio, responsibility for operation and maintenance of all post construction stormwater control measures (SCM) lies with the owner of the SCM. Typically, the property owner on which the SCM is constructed is the owner of the control measure and is legally obligated to operate and maintain the control measure. In some cases, a separate entity, such as a homeowners association, might take responsibility for a SCM. Legal obligations for operation, maintenance, inspection and repair of SCMs will be identified in the O&M documents. O&M Agreements are typically executed between the property owner and a local government jurisdiction (i.e. municipal or county department). An O&M Agreement and Plan are legally binding documents that lists the SCMs and their legally defined locations, ownership, operation and maintenance requirements. Inspection frequency, funding requirements and access easements to the SCMs are also a necessary part of all O&M Plans.
Warren County Recorder's Office has specific requirements for all documents to be recorded. If these guidelines are not followed, a $20 fee will ensue.
Please contact Warren Co SWCD if you would like examples of O&M documents!
Warren County Recorder's Office has specific requirements for all documents to be recorded. If these guidelines are not followed, a $20 fee will ensue.
- Computer font size of at least 10 point;
- Minimum paper size – 8 ½ x 11, maximum paper size – 8 ½ x 14;
- Black or Blue Ink ONLY;
- No use of highlighting;
- Margins of 1 inch on each side of the page and on the bottom;
- 3 inch margin on the top of the first page, reserved for recorder, auditor & engineer;
- 1 ½ inch margin on the top of each of the remaining pages.
Please contact Warren Co SWCD if you would like examples of O&M documents!