Do you think the you have the largest White Flowering Dogwood tree in Warren County, OH? Enter to win our Biggest Tree Contest!
As of January 2023, selling or planting invasive Callery pear trees is illegal in the state of Ohio. And to curb the spread, landowners are encouraged to remove existing Callery pear trees on their property. Several native species are excellent replacement options, including the White Flowering Dogwood! So we have selected this species for our contest this year to show how impressive these trees can be! HOW TO ENTER: Measure the circumference of your tree at four feet up from the base and make a rough estimate of the tree’s height. Enter the information with your contact details in the form on this page. Deadline to enter is July 20, 2024. If your entry is among the largest we will contact you to make arrangements to have the tree measured by our judges. Winners will receive a prize and be recognized at the Warren SWCD Annual Meeting in August! |